How to configure PowerSchool to schedule nightly SFTP of staff and student records into Share911
Once you have the credentials referenced in our main SFTP article, PowerSchool needs to be set up to properly send the staff and student data.
There are 3 main parts to configuring PowerSchool for integration:
These instructions are for PowerSchool Cloud version 25.1.0 but should be applicable to more current versions as well.
1. Digital Certificates
Note that you will need to upload both the public and private keys.
2. Remote Connections
Name the connection and fill in the HOST:
Username should be filled in while Password should be left blank.
Select the Key Certificate Alias that you created in Step 1 and click Test Connection.
The first time you test the connection, it will give you a warning that the Server Fingerprint is unknown. This is normal, accept the prompt option to add the Fingerprint.
Make sure the "Remote Path" field has value: /uploads
The "Allow upload" checkbox must be checked:
3. Export Templates
Now we will set up the student and staff data exports that will be scheduled to use the Remote Connection to Share911.
Create a new Export and select:
Category: Tables
Export From: Students
Next we will select the Columns to include in the export.
Select Columns to Export
Districts vary on where they store the Student ID and School ID values. For example, some use Student_Number, some use state_studentnumber, etc.
No matter where you put your data, you can import it into Share911. You may have to adjust the Labels Used on Export, though, since Share911 needs to recognize what type of data you are sending.
School ID
Share911 recognizes the following for School ID:
If your School ID data is stored in a different field on the Student record, you will need to change the Label for it to be:
Student ID
Share911 recognizes the following for Student ID:
Here is an example where the Label is set using the PowerSchool label that Share911 already recognizes:
Here is an example of how you could use a different source field by setting the Label manually:
Enroll Status
Here are how Share911 interprets the Student enroll_status field:
Enroll_Status |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Click Next
Select Records from Students
No changes need to be made, the default is to export all Students. Make sure the checkbox is NOT checked. If it is checked only those students will be exported and new students will not be sent to Share911 in the future.
Click Next
Export Summary and Output Options
Here we will name the file and choose a "csv" extension.
Line Delimiter: CR/LF
Field Delimiter: Comma
Include Column Headers: CHECKED
Surround "field values" in Quotes: CHECKED
Click Save Template
Now that we have a template we can schedule the upload.
Select the days and time you wish to perform the upload. Please use a time that is not on the hour to help us avoid lots of processing at the same time.
Now that Students are scheduled, create a new template for Staff:
Similar to Students, the data can come from any field but the Label needs to be something Share911 can recognize.
Once you have the template created, schedule it the same as Students.