What is Share911?

We’re glad you asked! Share911 is where help happens. It’s a digital emergency network that connects your entire organization — all the workplaces and the people — so everyone can share information as quickly as possible during an emergency.

The basics

The people of your Share911 Emergency Network

  1. Network Owner
  2. Channel Managers
  3. Members
  4. Public Safety Personnel

Here’s how it works: A Network Owner creates a Share911 channel, recruits Admins to help manage and organize the members of that channel, and they together invite and onboard members.


The pieces of your Share911 channel

To understand how Share911 really works, it helps to know how all the pieces fit together. Here’s a snapshot of what a typical Share911 channel looks like:


And here are the main components we'll break down for you, piece-by-piece:

  • Teams & Channels
  • Alerts
  • Reports
  • Notifications

team is a group of people that use Share911 to communicate. Your team is likely comprised of the people you work with every day. Your Share911 channel is the digital space you and your teammates share to communicate during an emergency. 


If you’re part of a small to medium-sized company or school, you and your fellow co-workers will likely all be members of one Share911 channel.


If you’re part of a larger organization — possibly comprised of many locations, people, and sub-groups — you may have multiple interconnected Share911 channels. Each channel is independent, but all are interconnected and powered by the Share911 Emergency Network.


Within your Share911 channel, you’ll have access to all of the information you need to get help and get safe during an emergency.