What are User Permissions

    Understanding User Permissions

    To set user permissions locate the user in the People Directory on the channel that they are assigned and click "Actions" to the right of their name. Then select Manage Permissions and set their permissions.

    Within Share911, users may be assigned various permissions that grant the ability to perform specific tasks. Permissions are assigned on a per-channel basis; a member may have Broadcast and Check-in permissions on one channel but may only have Check-in on another.

    Here is the current list of permissions along with descriptions of what they enable:


    "LiveView" is the most basic permission available and grants two benefits:

    1. The member will receive notification of alerts which are broadcast for that channel.
    2. The member gains access to view that channel's LiveView - a real-time dashboard which displays co-workers check-ins.

    People with both the LiveView and Manage Users permissions will be able to see extra contact information on each check-in card, such as that member's mobile number and emergency contact information.


    The "Check-in" permission grants the following abilities:

    1. Submit check-ins which include current status and location.
    2. Report people missing and found.

    Broadcast Alert

    The "Broadcast Alert" permission grants the ability to broadcast a pre-defined alert to all members of your channel.

    Non-Channel Managers have certain restrictions on broadcasting even if granted the Broadcast Alert permission. In the context of broadcasting, we define a Channel Manager as a member with one or more of the Manage Users, Manage Drill, or Manage Channel permissions or a Law Enforcement officer.

    Restrictions on broadcasting alerts for Non-Channel Managers:

    1. Non-Administrators may not broadcast an All Clear alert.
    2. Once an initial alert has been broadcast, Non-Channel Managers may not broadcast until an All Clear has been issued. This is to help prevent confusion from different alerts being broadcast in rapid succession.

    Restrictions on broadcasting alerts for all members:

    1. New members who have just completed their enrollment may not broadcast an alert until 10 minutes has passed. This is to help prevent accidental activation while a member is learning the system.

    Broadcast Message

    The "Broadcast Message" permission grants the ability to broadcast an arbitrary message to all members of your channel.

    This is different from the Broadcast Alert permission in that alerts are pre-defined whereas messages may contain whatever text you want. This distinction is important for channels such as high-rise buildings where alerts must follow very specific guidelines based on the city's standard Emergency Action Plan while the ability to broadcast a generic message should be restricted to a very small number of people.

    Note that members do not need Broadcast Message permissions in order to include a message with their check-in; that feature is always available when checking in.

    Manage Users

    The "Manage Users" permission grants the ability to assign and remove permissions from members of your channel.

    Members with both Manage User and Broadcast Alert permissions may broadcast an All Clear.

    Manage Drill

    The "Manage Drill" permission grants the ability to change a channel from Active to Drill mode. When conducting a drill, special care should be taken that the channel is first switched to Drill mode so that alerts will be clearly marked as being part of an exercise. Another important use of Drill mode is to prevent notification overload since users may opt-out of receiving drill notifications via their Profile.

    The recommended way to complete a drill is to broadcast an All Clear. 

    Members with Manage Drill may also change a channel from Drill mode back to Active mode without issuing an All Clear, but this should only be done in rare cases such as when an actual incident occurs while a drill is being conducted.

    Members with both Manage Drill and Broadcast Alert permissions may broadcast an All Clear.

    Manage Channel

    The "Manage Channel" permission grants the ability to change channel information such as the channel name, address, and check-in locations.

    Members with both Manage Channel and Broadcast Alert permissions may broadcast an All Clear.

    Emergency Check-in Notification

    The "Emergency Check-in Notification" permission grants the ability to receive notification whenever a channel member performs an emergency check-in. This permission would generally be given to all members but may be limited at your discretion.

    Critical Operations Staff (COS)

    The "Critical Operations Staff (COS)" permission allows the member to perform Incident Management check-ins. For example, a member of the COS would be able to check-in as "Responding" to let the command staff know that they are on their way.

    COS personnel may also check-in other members.


    Some channels have a permission named "Security" which is intended for Security personnel.

    The "Security" permission is identical to the "Critical Operations Staff" permission with the addition that "Security Needed" check-ins will alert ONLY those with the "Security" permission.

    School Resource Officer (SRO)

    The "School Resource Officer (SRO)" permission is only available for Public Safety personnel. 

    An important distinction exists for SRO's: broadcasts by SRO's do not automatically switch the channel to Active mode. This enables an SRO to participate in a drill without switching it to active mode. To understand this distinction, let's review the difference between Drill and Active mode and how broadcasts by Public Safety personnel affect them.

    When a channel is in Active mode, broadcasts will go to channel staff and all responding Public Safety personnel. When a channel is in Drill mode, broadcasts will be clearly marked with the "DRILL" label and will go to channel staff and only those Public Safety personnel that have opted-in to receive drill notifications.

    When a regular Public Safety officer broadcasts an alert, the affected channel will automatically be switched to Active status. Broadcasts by regular Public Safety officers should only be used for emergency scenarios.

    When a School Resource Officer broadcasts an alert, the current Drill status of the channel will determine what happens; broadcasts by SRO's do not automatically change the channel to Active.

    This allows SRO's to fully participate in drills without worrying about alerting regular public safety personnel.