Welcome to Share911! I have outlined below the items we need to address to get the wellness platform up and running at your business.
1. Screening Questions: We have added our standard text and screening questions (listed below) to your channels. Please let me know if you’d like to make any changes.
Homescreen text
In order to protect our community from COVID-19, we ask that you please take a moment to answer the few brief questions prior to reporting to your workplace. Please tap or click here to view the questions, thank you.
Click here for today's questions.
Screening Questions
Please know that the following questions are intended to limit any exposure to COVID-19 for you, your fellow employees, and our guests. All responses are confidential and we appreciate your cooperation. You are required to complete this survey every day you are at work, no later than one hour prior to the start of your workday.
Is your temperature today 100 degrees (F) or higher
Since the last day of work, have you had any of these symptoms? <br /><i>Temperature 100 degrees (F) or higher, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting or diarrhea. <br /><i>Note: Answer “yes” if the symptoms you have experienced are new and not related to any chronic condition.</i>
Have you had a positive COVID-19 test in the past 14 days?
Have you had close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in the past 14 days?
Have you traveled to an area of <a href="https://covid19.nj.gov/faqs/nj-information/travel-and-transportation/which-states-are-on-the-travel-advisory-list-are-there-travel-restrictions-to-or-from-new-jersey">high community transmission</a>?
Thank you, you are clear to report to work onsite if necessary.
You would not be able to go to our office today. Please contact your manager or Human Resources.
2. Notifications: Please let me know if you want reminder notifications sent out and if so, at what time(s).
3. Screening Results: To view the screening results, you will need “Wellness Team” permission. Please let me know who should have this permission. Also, please let me know if you want the members of the wellness team to receive a notification when someone fails a screening.
4. Adding Staff: To get your staff on the system, we need to add them to the respective channels via an invite process. Please send me email addresses for your staff and the building in which they work. Share911 will handle the initial invitations for staff. After that, it will be up to you to manage personnel. Adding and Removing Employees
Before we send out the invites, you should send an email to your staff advising them that you are going to be using Share911 and that they are going to be receiving an email invite from us. Here is a sample email to send to your staff. Sample email for staff.
Once your staff has set up their profiles, they should download the mobile app.
5. Additional Information:
Here is a video that you can send to your staff that shows them how to use the wellness screening: Share911 Wellness Screening for Staff
Here is a video for you to see how to manage the wellness screening: Managing the Wellness Screening Platform
Once you are on any of these pages, you can navigate to the main page for support. But here is a direct link to our support page: Share911 Support Page
If you have any questions about anything discussed above, please let me know.
I look forward to working with you and your staff.