To set up Share911 Wellness at your school, we need certain information from you. Once we have obtained this information and uploaded it to your channel(s), you can then send an email to your parents and an email to your staff, introducing Share911.
Information on Parents and Students
If you are providing wellness screening for your students, please send us the following information in two (2) separate spreadsheets:
Parent / Guardian:
Parent Last Name
Parent First Name
Parent Email Address
Student ID(s)
Relationship to Student (ex: “Mother”, “Father”)
Parent ID Number (optional)
Parent Cell Number (optional)
Student ID Number
Student Last Name
Student First Name
Student Grade (this allows nurses to filter the results by grade)
School Name (this allows nurses to filter the results by school - if you use a code to indicate the school name then we need to know which school the code represents)
Student Cohort (optional, this allows nurses to filter the results by only those attending for that specific day)
Student Email (optional)
Once this information has been uploaded and parents have been sent an email introducing Share911, they can download the mobile app and set up their account.
Once they are set up, they will receive a reminder each day to fill out the wellness questionnaire for their child(ren).
Information on Staff
If you are an existing customer on Share911, your staff will automatically be given access to wellness screening. If you are a new customer and will only be using Share911 for wellness screening, please send us the following information for your staff in a spreadsheet:
Staff First Name
Staff Last Name
Staff Email
Building he/she works in
Once this information has been uploaded and your staff has been sent an email introducing Share911, you can add your staff via invite or import.
Once they are set up, they will receive a reminder each day to fill out the wellness questionnaire.
Screening Questions
Please provide us with a list of questions for the screening questionnaire for your staff and your students. These questions should be yes/no questions. Below is a sample set of questions, but you should check with your local authorities as certain questions may be mandated by your state.
Is your temperature today 100 degrees (F) or higher?
Since the last day of work, have you had any of these symptoms? Temperature 100 degrees (F) or higher, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, vomiting, or diarrhea.
Have you had a positive COVID-19 test in the past 14 days?
Have you had close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in the past 14 days?
Updates to Parent Information
If you need to update any parent information, you need to send us a new spreadsheet that contains the new changes. Please name the spreadsheet "[School Name} Parent Revision [date]" These changes will be available the next day.
Updates to Staff Information
If you need to update any staff information, you updated their information on the system by going to Manage People and locating their profile. If you need to add a staff member, you can send them an invite. Click here to see how to add users.