We have gathered some sample drills for people to consider while conducting training using Share911. The following drills can be used as outlined or modified and expanded to meet your needs. Drills are meant to be quick, but powerful learning tools. The drill should test people's knowledge of a learned skill. At the conclusion of the drill there should be a quick after action report or debrief should be utilized to ensure staff followed policy and procedures.
NOTE: Remember to place Share911 into Drill Mode and advise law enforcement that you are conducting a drill.
Drill A: A Fire Drill requiring the use of alternate exit routes
This simple drill that makes your employees think on their feet. During a fire drill post a supervisor at one exit and inform employees approaching the exit is not available. You can use the Send A Message feature of Share911 to alert all personnel that an exit is closed. Employees must lead students to the next closest exit. The employees should check-in "evacuated" on Share911 once they have exited the building or "trapped" if they are unable to navigate their way out..
Drill B: An evacuation drill to an alternate assembly point
Have a staff member use Share911 to initiate an evacuation for a chemical spill in a classroom. The staff member who reports the chemical spill and broadcasts the alert should Check-In that they are trapped in their classroom. During the evacuation post a supervisor at a regular evacuation assembly site and inform approaching staff that the normal evacuation site is not available because it's needed for emergency equipment. You can use the Send A Message feature of Share911 to message the alternate location to everyone. Staff members must lead students to a safe alternative location. The staff members should check-in "evacuated" on Share911 once they arrive at the alternative evacuation site or "trapped" if they are unable to navigate their way out.
Drill C: A Domestic violence threat drill
Instructions for school administrator:
Advise your office staff that this is a drill. Advise law enforcement that you are conducting a drill. Read the below statement to your office staff and ask them to take the appropriate action.
Scenario (read this to office staff):
"This scenario takes place in the morning. The weather is sunny and warm. There are gym classes outside.
At 10:30 AM, Mrs. Peterson arrives at our school, walks up to the main entry door and uses the intercom/buzzer to request access to the building. She states she is here to take her son, Robert Peterson, home for the day. She says that she has the day off and wants to take Robert to the park.
You are aware that Mr. Peterson has sole custody of Robert. In the past 12 months the police have responded to our school because Mr. and Mrs. Peterson have had loud arguments in front of the school. During one incident Mrs. Peterson threatened to “kill” Mr. Peterson if he kept her from seeing Robert.
Using the intercom, you inform Mrs. Peterson that she cannot have access to the school and that she cannot take Robert with her. Mrs. Peterson screams several profanities into the intercom and on the video system, you can see her run around the side of the school and you then lose sight of her. You no longer know where Mrs. Peterson is."
At this point in the drill have a staff member, playing the role of Robert Peterson (student) use Share911 to Check-In "Threat Nearby" and write a message that says "Mrs. Peterson is banging on the windows to our classroom"
See what happens next!
Possible after-action activities or debrief questions:
Did the office staff feel empowered to take action?
Was the school placed into lock-down, lock-in, shelter-in-place? When?
What, if anything, was relayed to the police?
Drill D: A threat emerges on the exterior of the building
This drill is initiated by a staff member outside the building. It can be initiated by a gym teacher, lunch aides, or a staff member that has students outside.
The principal or supervisor will meet the staff member outside the building and tell the staff member the following:
"This is a drill. There is a person wearing camouflage clothing banging on the back door of the school and pulling on the doors. Please take the appropriate action."
The appropriate action should be for the staff member to Broadcast a Lockdown alert using Share911 and then move their students to safety.
Within one minute of the initial Broadcast, request that two staff members in adjoining rooms Check-In "Threat Nearby."